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Need technical advices for an Intertype C4 in France

Started by Karim Bakhouche, March 02, 2015, 04:59:01 PM

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Karim Bakhouche

I have been reparing an intertype model C4 in Strasbourg (France) for several month now. It was in a pretit bad state (spent some time outside) but it is now pretty well running. It's very exiting to see this machine at work!
But i'm facing a problem which i find hard to resolve. The rears of the slugs are not straight. there is like air in it.
The rest of the slugs are good but this problem makes them unuseful.
I tried differents things like : cleen and open the jets and vents of the mouthpiece, tighten the pump lever spring, move forward the pot. Nothing worked.

I have three (and half) questions :
-Does anybody have an idea of what could be the source of this problem?
-The mouthpiece electric heater seems to heat hardly at 400°F. Is that enough? I know that this heater is different if the machine is plugged on high or low voltage. Perhaps i should change this heater?
-Does anybody know an intertype parts supplier in france or even in Europe?

Thank you.


Hi Karim,

We had a similar problem on a C4 we restored the mouthpiece would not go above about 380 F. It turned out to be the mercury bimetal switch. If you click on the URL and read through the posting on page two you will see how we over came the problem. This is assuming you have the same control.,1002.0.html

Good Luck
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Karim Bakhouche

I'll think i'll try to plug directly the mouthpiece heater on 220V to see if it change something.
Thanks a lot.


The simmerstat we used is a SUNVIC simmerstat  made in Great Britain.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Karim Bakhouche

My problem seems to be solved.
For a reason i don't realy understand, the mouthpiece thermostat was not ordering the right temperature. For exemple, when i was adjusting it to 300 °C, i think the heater was in fact trying to heat until maybe 500 °C. The result of this was a mouthpiece and the metal far far too hot.
So, I had to change the setting of the themostat in order to, at the wright temperature, get the indicator on the scale. This way, i'm able to read : when the indicator is here, it is the right temperature.
The slugs are now very good, and the temperatures of both the metalpot and the mouthpiece are stable.
Thanks a lot for your indications!


I am pleased to hear that you have solved your problem. I know how frustrating this sort of thing can be.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

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