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Jeffo - R.I.P.

Started by Mechanic, November 02, 2016, 01:34:47 AM

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Jeff Zilles [Jeffo] has died. He was a monitor on Metal Type, almost from the start.
When they made Jeffo they broke the mold. His contributions to this site proved he had vast knowledge of letterpress. He could talk on just about any subject. Thanks to Jeffo the C4 at Pimpama on Queensland's Gold Coast using parts he gave us, is safer to operate. He will be remembered.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Dave Hughes

Very sad news indeed, condolences to Jeffo's family.

Jeffo's letterpress knowledge was very wide-ranging and detailed. He had a passion for both history and engineering.

One of my favourite posts of Jeffo has got to be this one on the subject of menus from RMS Titanic.

Titanic Centenary

Farewell Jeff Zilles, gone to his Cave in the sky.

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Thanks for hat Dave. It was interesting to read back over Jeffo's postings. He always crossed every "t" and dotted every "i" with a dry wit. I spoke to him a couple of months ago and he told me some vandals had broken into the cave beaten him up, putting him in hospital and smashed some of his machines.

I'm posting the full address for Titanic Centenary as you have to log in to read the extracts.,855.msg972.html#msg972

George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

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