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IBM Plex, the new Helvetica? -Video

Started by Dave Hughes, November 12, 2017, 07:58:49 AM

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Dave Hughes

Interesting video from IBM about their decision to make a brand new fount to represent the company, and ditch Helvetica.

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I remember when Univers and Helvetica were first released in 1957. There were great discussions of which was the better typeface. I can't see how people get so emotional about typefaces. Univers preceded Helvetica. When Helvetica came out it was said to be the new Univers by Mergenthaler. Maybe that was because Linotype  was marketing Helvetica and not Univers. You would think that with all the typefaces there are, there would be a typeface to suit any job.  I doubt if the average man on the street would notice any difference.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

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