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Monotype handles for the Super Caster

Started by John Nixon, March 07, 2020, 07:09:48 AM

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John Nixon

Hi everyone,

Part of what we salvaged from MMOP in Australia is one of the attached photos.

The handle on the left has 2 extra photos posted.

Am interested in any information on this, the left hand holder in the box and also the centre one, which has the very long screw.


John Nixon

Dan Jones

Hi John, the holder with the long screw is similar to one that I have, see my post in Flickr
It is a custom Monotype design to hold Ludlow matrices. If that is the case then you need  to look around for the mould base and insets:
I have also attached a picture on this site, photo by Jason Dewinetz.

If not a Ludlow holder, this is a case of Monotype making something custom for a company.
I think it is not really appreciated, however, Monotype was very good at creating engineering solutions.
They just didn't keep good records about it, and now, of course, most records are gone.
The holder on the left in the box appears to be a composition head holder, but more pictures would be needed to confirm.
Do you have a comp head for the Super Caster?

Dan Jones
Pygment Press

John Nixon

Hi Dan

Thanks so much for the info, much appreciated.

We have literally dozens and dozens of mould boxes etc. to go through so hopefully we have the pieces.

Bound to be more questions.

Loved your posts.

Thanks again, John

Dan Jones

John, glad to be of assistance. I'm so pleased your Museum saved what they could in the auction, and also for saving so much Super Caster material. It would be great to see photos of some of the other stuff. Will there be posts on this in your own Museum newsletter?

John Nixon

Hi Dan:

Here's a few, Newsletter under way, other exciting stuff gets in the way of completing it.

Yep, that is a Monofoto, the storage behind has the full electronic keyboard and punch.

Cheers, John


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