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Johannes Gutenberg

Started by printsmurf, November 06, 2022, 03:11:02 PM

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A cigar band from 1980 from Spain - Tabacos Capote S.A.



Almost identical to post 40 on page 3 of this thread - Mainz City Bronze Medal 1840 

Bronze medal 1840, by König. To the 400th anniversary of the invention of the printing press. Bust of Johannes Gutenberg with fur hat and coat / Guttenberg in workshop with printing press.

Under the bust of Gutenberg can be seen   LOOS D. KONIG G.   This is not on the silver medal in post  40

The inscription  DAS IST VON HERRN GESCHEHEN UND EIN WUNDER VOR UNSEREN AUGEN    PS.118 V.23  is missing around the edge, although the psalm and verse number do appear under the image of Gutenberg on the silver medal.


1994 Ecu Strasbourg Capital of Europe - Johan Gutenberg


Post 47 on page 4 was a silver medal....the same but in bronze
Germany 2000 to celebrate 600 years since Gutenberg's birth.


1940's Johannes Gutenberg Card from Amatller Chocolate, Spain


Four cigar bands from 1999 from Grotte Mannen, Belgium

silver and grey with blue portrait

gold and mauve with blue portrait

silver and light blue with blue portrait

gold with blue portrait


1960 Ed-U-Cards The Book of Knowledge Flash Cards Johann Gutenberg


Rheinperle Delikatess Margarine. Number 23 in series 4 - Inventors. Not much information about this series except that most of these stamps appeared from 1900 to 1918


Issued on 1 June 1992 by Deutsche Telekom
On the face Gutenberg is proclaiming  'Starr mich nicht so an, dreh' die karte um zum donnerwetter', on the back......immer ein stück voraus' - Don't stare at me like that, turn the map over to thunderstorm...... Always one piece ahead


Issued on 1 January 1993 by Deutsche Telekom.   The picture on the back of the card is of a printer pulling off a print of the face of the card issued in 1992 whilst proclaiming 'WIR MACHEN DRUCK! - WE PUT PRESSURE ON!'


Original old advertising or event stamp which was used for advertising at the time. Most of these stamps appeared between 1900 and 1918.
The Erhard & Schmidt book printing works were located in Munich .

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