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Grafix Press Manual Wanted

Started by John Cornelisse, June 02, 2023, 01:15:13 PM

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John Cornelisse

In the past there was a company in Switzerland? that produced the Grafix press, they made nice proof presses, that were controlled electrically.

I wonder whether there are somewhere some manuals surviving...

It could help, in Holland there is a press but the control-mechanism for printing is out of order...

David Bolton

We restored a Grafix press in Western Australia. It has a paper folder of operating instructions, but rather sparse on information. When I am back there after Christmas,  I can take some photos of the booklet.

One trouble we have not solved yet is how to adjust the height of the bed. It is rusted into type height position, but it would be nice to be able to adjust it. However, I can't see how to ease the bed, and do not want to damage the control knob by forcing it.

David Bolton

John Cornelisse

Could you publish those papers on this site at the library ? Than it would be available for all of us.


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