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Started by Mechanic, April 27, 2010, 08:29:59 PM

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In the 1970s and 80s ex Linotype and Intertype operators were looking for a computer with a Linotype keyboard. Back in the 1900s it would appear that there was a market for typewriters with the Linotype layout. I found photographs of two machines. both appear to have been manufactured by the Empire Type Foundry of Buffalo, NY

To find out more have a look at


On the above site you will need to scroll down the page. It is however, an interesting page of letterpress related history.

George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Dave Hughes

More interesting stuff, George.

Hard to know what these will have been used for.

I think the writer on the second website may be near the mark when he says:


Possibly this kind of typewriter was intended for the small newspaper office where the editorial staff also operated the linotype.

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In the early sixties a gentleman named Clare Brewer, employed by the research department of the International Typographical Union, designed a Lino keyboard that would fit over a standard typewriter QWERTY keyboard. All new tape punchers and photosetters were putting Lino operators out of business. Never took off, though. It was thought easier to retrain employees than purchase more equipment.

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