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Total Letterpress newpaper

Started by aaron, July 08, 2006, 04:19:34 PM

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For the past three years I have been getting a weekly newspaper 11x17 set on a Linotype 8 and printed on a letterpress press.
The paper is:

South Y-W Star
P.O. 8

Kirk CO 80824-008

Very nice man prints the paper.
His name is: Hubert Eugen Thomas
APA no. 775
Member of the Rocky Mtn. Letterpress Society

I love reading, it takes me back to the days I was a letterpressman. I started in te early 60's.


Dave Hughes

Any chance of a scan of the paper, aaron, so that I can put it on the board for all to see.
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Dave Hughes

Aaron recently posted me a couple of copies of the "South Y-W Star"  I've scanned a couple of pages in for everyone to see:

There's some interesting fonts in there, and I particularly liked the picture of the linecaster and matrix to the left of the paper's title!
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