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Not Only French

Started by Mechanic, June 06, 2010, 12:28:48 AM

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I have previously related some of my problems making myself understood in some remote French areas of eastern Canada.,233.0.html

However, with Canada's large immigration program French was not the only language with which I had problems. In the late 1950's I was sent to repair a Linotype at a large religious college that had their own printing plant outside of Toronto. They had a model 25 Linotype mixer that was damaging matrices. I found a part in one of the distributor boxes that was badly worn and was the major cause of their problems. I spoke to the Linotype operator and told him that I would have to order a part from Toronto, but it would be the next day before it could get there.

The operator said that they had a good machine shop and that their machinist may be able to make the part. The only problem was that he had recently arrived from Finland and spoke little English.

I went with the operator and showed the part to the machinist and we explained as best we could what we wanted. The machinist nodded and took the part. About an hour later he turned up with the part he had made. It was an excellent job. The only problem was I had a brand new worn-out part. I shook my head. The machinist couldn't understand what the problem was.

I went and got the parts manual and showed him a picture of the part. The machinist took the manual looked at the picture and went off with the parts manual and the worn-out part. He returned an hour later with a brand new part.

I'm sure there is a moral here somewhere.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Jeff Zilles [jeffo]

A solid steel example of proof in the hand, as it were, of the oft' repeated saying  ---   'A picture is worth a thousand words'

Good one George

Strange how one Fin comes to the assistance of another when it is needed - you obviously have good karma


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