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Parsons Trading Company, New Zealand

Started by Dave Hughes, June 27, 2010, 02:04:52 PM

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Dave Hughes

Colin Ansell contacted me recently with the following:


While cleaning up under a bench in my workshop I came across a little book called

'Suggestions to Linotype Machinist' publish by linotype in 1911.

on the cover is a sticker with the Name 'Parsons Trading Company 20 Vesey Street New York'
They had branches in London, Sydney, Wellington, Havana, Bombay etc.

in side is a rubber stamp imprint ' Parsons Trading Company (formerly Parsons Bros) Agents Lambton Quay, Wellington.

This book covers all models 1-7.

I am interested if someone can throw some light on this company It appears they may be an original seller of Linotype Machines.
on a second note I also found a Intertype Matrix book which could well be the first one as all fonts shown have no font numbers  and they advertise that they can supply Linotype Spares cheaper than Linotype.

Colin Ansell

Does anyone have any memories of Parsons trading Company, or Parsons Brothers?

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