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Ebook Cover Continued

Started by Dave Hughes, August 13, 2012, 03:06:26 PM

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Which is your Favourite cover?

Dave Hughes

Thanks for the positive feedback received so far.

I have taken some comments on board and present four more candidates for voting (I've closed the other poll).

The serif font that I originally used was called Valentina Regular - I liked it because it came with that nice ligature from the i to the n, but as has been pointed out it is not bold enough to stand being reversed. I tried it with an outline but that didn't work either.

So the serif font has been changed to Garamond (unfortunately no ligature).

I've done a couple with the old Guttenberg press - I think the printers devil was, perhaps, a little too obscure.

Here's four more for the vote:

As always, click for a better view.

Cover 1

Cover 2

Cover 3

Cover 4
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#1 has my vote.

Much better arrangement of elements, and the bolder Garamond is also an improvement.

J Henry

Mike Wilson

Thanks for that info about Dead Horse copy. Is it any wonder then that the industry collapsed round our ears with the union demanding crazy stuff like that. I was out of step with the union most of my time in newspapers and still think that if we had accepted new technology we would still be involved.

Dave Hughes

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