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Don't Mention The War

Started by Mechanic, June 29, 2014, 03:59:22 AM

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George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Dave Hughes

I've got to say that those French print workers don't even look "put out" by the sudden and un-negotiated changes to their working practices (with, perhaps, the exception of the guy near the end of the film smoking a cigarette as he takes the completed newspapers off the press).

I would like to think that if British print workers suffered a similar fate they would have demanded a hefty pay increase for having to listen to instructions being given in a German accent and for having to set those awkward German names, which would probably have involved dusting off some little-used accented characters from the pi chute.

If the Germans had reached for their side-arms to prevent the inevitable walk-out that would have followed their refusal to implement the huge pay increase they would have found that their Lugers had been stealthily taken down to the foundry whilst their owners had "nodded off" during the night shift and had a generous measure of molten type-metal poured down the barrel before being returned to their owners unnoticed.

Please note: The above post has been written with the intention of being amusing. It was not intended to offend French print workers, British print workers, German army operatives or anyone who likes to be offended on behalf of other people. If it has caused you genuine offence please accept my sincere apologies.

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Many years ago a friend who had been with the US Army in Germany as the allies "liberated" it, stopped in to a printshop to visit with the owner. He said the owner unlocked a safe and gave him two Linotype Mats of the SS lightning bolt symbols, along with a comment that he hoped never to see them used again in Germany. My friend passed them on to me as a curiosity for me to keep. If I can take a good photo of them I will post it here.

John Henry

Dave Hughes

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