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Andy Taylors Elrod

Started by Dan Williams, July 25, 2007, 03:42:38 AM

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Dan Williams

Say, that is a very clean looking Elrod.

And its got an electric pot and electric mold heater. Cool. :)

Wonder if he's tried it out yet?

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Dave Hughes

Andy said he's going to send some video of starting up, running and stopping.

Should be interesting! I've never operated one myself, but from what I remember, it was quite a hazardous affair!
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When I was an apprentice as well as working as the night mechanic I had to run the Elrod machine.  One eventful night I remember I was running 3pt column rules when I was called to the composing room which was next to the Elrod room.  I got side tracked in the composing room and forgot all about the Elrod machine.  One of the comps said, George, you are being followed and I looked across and, coming across the composing room floor from the Elrod room was a very long 3pt column rule.  I went into the Elrod room and half the floor was covered with the column rule.  Being thin, the rule had failed to trigger the cut off stop.  I was standing there looking at this when my boss walked in.  I can't remember the conversation but I do know I was on the defencive.  From then on, I always stayed with the Elrod until I was sure the materials were being cut off correctly.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast


Andy I look forward to seeing the video of you starting and running the Elrod.  I noticed where I am working as a volunteer in the printing museum of the Caboolture Historical Village there is an Elrod in the corner.  Ken the curator of the museum said "No need to worry about that." I didn't argue the point with him but once I have seen your video, maybe I'll be inspired to try and relive my youth. 
As a bit of trivia, when I worked at the Sydney Morning Herald Barney, the head lino mechanic said "I've given Dave, the general hand who runs the Elrod machines,  the morning off to draw the State Lottery".   I asked why they wanted a general hand to draw the lottery.  He replied "He is an hereditary English Lord and he is always being asked to open functions!"
So, Andy, while you are operating your Elrod machines, you are operating with the elite.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

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