The latest carefully-selected eBay Listings from Metal Type
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Hi Subscriber, Some very early Monotype Recorders here (seller has several), and that Comet nameplate has got to be rare. Don't miss this week's Printle word puzzle, there's a link at the bottom of the email. I think this week's is a tricky one. - Dave

1911 Monotype Recorder - Hampshire, UK

1911 Monotype Recorder - Hampshire, UK

1966 Monotype Calendar - London, UK

1966 Monotype Calendar - London, UK

Quality Type Listings - Massachusetts, USA

Quality Type Listings - Massachusetts, USA

Linotype Comet 300 Nameplate - Illinois, USA

Linotype Comet 300 Nameplate - Illinois, USA

Ludlow Typograph - Texas, USA

Ludlow Typograph - Texas, USA

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Metal Type

100 Princess Drive, York
United Kingdom

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