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The Story of Paper

Started by Mechanic, April 15, 2015, 04:21:15 AM

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Trading cards were used primarily during the late 19th century to advertise everything from breath freshener to Coca-Cola; as a cheap and effective way to reach consumers, their heyday was between 1876 and 1900. Paper manufacture was featured on a set of six trading cards distributed by Liebig's Extract of Meat Co Ltd in 1932. They were distributed in various languages. A brief description of the image is provided on the reverse. Card number five is in French as I could not find a German card to complete the set.

In 1865, Liebig's Extract of Meat Company was founded in Britain by German chemist Justus von Liebig. The company established a factory in Uruguay to manufacture a beef extract product that would later be sold under the name Oxo. In 1873, the factory began manufacturing tinned corned beef, which was sold in Britain under the name Fray Bentos, the town in Uruguay where the factory was located.


Liebig had previously issued a set called 'histoire du papier' in 1913.

I have no image for the reverse of card number 3

I have no image for the reverse of card number 5


Leading on from card number 2 in the previous post............issued by Wills Cigarettes in 1933


Phonecard from the NTT Company, Japan.
The front of the card shows a roll of paper on a shaft. The black grooves contain segments which grip the inside of the cardboard core of the roll when expanded either by compressed air or a mechanical drive.


Some trade cards were printed in bulk, some with blank areas for overprinting local business names and addresses and plain on reverse for same. An even less expensive option was to apply a name and address by means of a rubber stamp.

Bit unusual this one - printed on back with store details and also information regarding image, but also printed on front for Chocolat Poulain.

This is the first Chocolat Poulain card I have seen without some company details on the back - the ones I have seen have follow the format as used on the card for Robert Estienne below. Image on front, then company details followed by text on back.


Re: The Story of Paper.........recycling.

The first book printed on recycled paper was published over two centuries ago, in 1801. The book was entitled 'Historical Account of the Substances which Have Been Used to Describe Events, and to Convey Ideas from the Earliest Date to the Invention of Paper'. It was a history of the materials used to record information, written and printed by Matthias Koops, based in London, UK. The second edition of the book bore the statement: "Printed on Paper Re-Made from Old Printed and Written Paper", making it the first known book to be published on paper recycled from previous use.

The only image I can find shows the frontispiece of the second edition which clearly states - PRINTED ON PAPER MANUFACTURED SOLELY FROM STRAW.

The second image is from the facing page and shows papyrus plant


Cigarette card from Churchman's  Cigarettes in their 1937 'Treasure Trove' series


Issued on 6 September 1967 to commemorate 300 years of the Finnish Papermaking Industry              (Finland)


Some of the Earliest Paper Recycling Occurred in Japan.

With the decline of the whole central administration [in Japan] during the Heian period the Zushoryo [the first national library of Japan in Nara] ceased to have such extensive importance and the slave-like guild of papermakers, which had heretofore been kept apart from their contemporaries, gradually merged with the common people and it was not long before the entire Imperial staff was reduced in number and talent.

Because of the absence of materials, paper, and skilled workers, the owners of private estates began the erection of small paper mills and they endeavoured to induce the former Zushoryo papermakers to resume their work for them in the fabrication of paper. Up to this time about the only materials used for the making of paper in Japan were the mulberry, gampi (Wikstroemia canescens), and hemp (Cannabis sativa), but as early as 1031 it was recorded that waste paper became a useful material for remaking into sheets of paper.

 In Japan the remade paper became the sole commodity of the paper-shops (kamiya) and was known by the name of kamiya-gami, literally paper-shop paper. The reclaimed material used in the making of the kamiya-gami was charged with ink and pigment and therefore the paper manufactured from the used material was of a grey tone.


"Graphic Communications Through the Ages" commemorates significant milestones in the history of communications technologies: the development of paper and character forms, typography design, and printing. The paintings were commissioned in 1966 by the Kimberly-Clark Corporation of Neenah, Wisconsin, who employed three internationally-known historical illustrators to produce the series: Robert A. Thom (1915-1979), Douglas M. Parrish (1922-2001), and George I. Parrish, Jr.(1930-1992).

Papyrus and Pictography, 3000 BCE, 1966-1971 was painting number 1 in a series of 24


Leading on from previous post................
Fourdrinier and the Papermaking Machine, 1803, 1966-1971 was painting number 15 in the series.


Natives of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica manufactured Amatl (Nahuatl: āmatl, Spanish: amate or papel amate) during the first millenium BCE. This was a form of paper made by boiling the inner bark of several species of trees, particularly fig trees. The resulting fibrous material was pounded with a stone to produce a stretchy and somewhat delicate paper, colored light brown with corrugated lines. Stone iconography from the period contains depictions of items thought to be paper.

"The oldest known amate paper dates back to 75 CE. It was discovered at the site of Huitzilapa, Jalisco. Huitzilapa is a shaft tomb culture site located northwest of Tequila Volcano near the town of Magdalena. The crumpled piece of paper was found in the southern chamber of the site's shaft tomb, possibly associated with a male scribe. Rather than being produced from Trema micrantha, from which modern amate is made, the amate found at Huitzilapa is made from Ficus tecolutensis.

Part of the Huexotzinco Codex, written on amate.


The oldest surviving piece of paper?

In 1986 Tomb 5, dating to the early Western Han (early 2nd century BCE) was excavated at the Fangmatan archaeological site located near Tianshui in China's Gansu province. The site was located within the Qin state, and includes several burials dating from the Warring States period through to the early Western Han.

The occupant of tomb 5 was buried with a paper map laid on his chest, but due to water damage only a single fragment (5.6 × 2.6 cm) of the map survived. The map, which depicts topographic features such as mountains, waterways and roads, is drawn on a piece of paper that is probably the oldest surviving piece of paper.


Update to post number 50...............
I have found an image of the second edition which clearly states "Printed on Paper Re-Made from Old Printed and Written Paper".


An 18th-century Qing Dynasty print depicting Cai Lun as the patron of papermaking


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