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Video Newsletter

Started by Dave Hughes, July 31, 2006, 10:59:05 AM

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Dave Hughes

Please post your comments on the new newsletter format here (constructive criticism welcome).

I must say I found the process somewhat harder than expected. The posted video is about take 4! If you've not tried it, it's surprisingly difficult talking to a camera for 2 minutes. The only (badly executed) edits are at the start and end of the film, where I switched the camera on and off.

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Quote from: Dave Hughes on July 31, 2006, 10:59:05 AM
Please post your comments on the new newsletter format here (constructive criticism welcome).

I must say I found the process somewhat harder than expected. The posted video is about take 4! If you've not tried it, it's surprisingly difficult talking to a camera for 2 minutes. The only (badly executed) edits are at the start and end of the film, where I switched the camera on and off.

I found the concept interesting even though there were three or four breaks in transmission whereby the tape had to be restarted (from where it left off) which was a bit off-putting. Sympathy about spending two minutes or so in front of a camera when you are not sure of the final outcome. It is daunting, but I feel confident that you will succeed. Congratulations and the best of luck with the venture.
John Grainger

Roy Bowker

It started ok but but would not download the last bit of programme. It is still saying (1 item remaining). hope you can help as i would like to see what its like.   Roy Bowker

Dave Hughes

Roy (and any others who may be expriencing difficulty) below is a link to download the video onto your machine and play it from there.

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Dan Williams

I think this format has enormous potential.
What I will share is a concern that I had during taping of the demonstration segments at the Houston Museum. Video is very unforgiving and so greatly magnifies errors in expression and statement. I think that if I were to do another video, that I would attempt to write content and practice in front of a mirror first (everything that you see in Robert Griffens videos is completely spontaneous and unrehearsed....It is incredibly difficult to come up with half intelligent material in that manner.)
So let me encourage you, Dave, to continue the pursuit. Please think-ahead concerning subject material and places and visual presentation. The focus is on entertainment and education.
The place that you videotaped had an echo and was rather bland looking. Is there a print museum of some sort or a park or even the coffee table at home that you could use? Having books, machine parts, prepared backgrounds (full size display of a machine room via digital means?) or displays to go along with your discussion.
So much to say and I apologize if it come across in the least bit critical. Just ideas.
Thanks for the effort.
Dan Williams

Dave Hughes

Thanks Dan, some constructive criticism there. That was definitely a "Mark 1" newsletter! I used a very obscure room at work so that I didn't get disturbed! I didn't want disturbances being added to the list of things that could go wrong with it.

I can see that there's plenty of room for improvement - and that the venture's worthwhile persevering with.
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Hey there :-)

Since English isn't my native language and my reading and writing is much better than my understanding of spoken word, I'd prefer the written form.
But maybe if you get the echo a bit down, it would be better understandable.

At any rate, it's nice to see a guy whose hobby are old machines use most modern technique and trys to improve this site regularly!

Regards, Andy

Dave Hughes

Thanks Andy, on reflection the video is very echoey (I've been out of typesetting a while, hope that spelling's right!). I'm hoping to produce the next one from my new home (moving house was one of the "personal reasons" I hinted at in the video).

Your comment here:
Quoteuse most modern technique and trys to improve this site regularly!
was encouraging. The internet has changed as far as user generated video is concerned. It is now possible to get the likes of Google to store loads of megabytes of video for you for free and serve it to users of your site (saving money on web hosting). Some people can now even shoot web usable video on their mobile phone!

Times are changing, and whilst Metal Type will never be at the forefront of the latest technology, it does not have it's head in the sand - the videos that have been added to Metal Type in the last few months have proved to be very popular and I shall always be looking for ways to keep the site up-to-date.
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Dave Hughes

The "Mark 2" video newsletter is now out - as always suggestions and constructive criticism is welcome!

Click here to take a look:
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hey ... great :-)

the echo is all gone now, and even though you speak quite fast (note: for my ears) I got most of the meaning the first time ;)

Sure ... we'll have an eye on the forum and a tight fist on the spammers 8)
Enjoy your honeymoon!

cu soon,


Oh, I'm of the generation that doesn't care about quality! ;)  It looks, sounds, and informs great. The whole idea of a video newsletter is fantastic, and you've done it ably and with a good ear for input, just as you have the site itself.

Robert Griffith
Burleson, Texas
Robert Griffith
Burleson, Texas

Arthur Johnson

Remember we do not all have high speed broad band in country areas, the present format is not much good to me, sorry as I have enjoyed it in the past. Arthur
We are presently setting up our battery of 2 Intertypes C3 and C4, Linotypes Model 15, 48, 78 and Electron and we hope to have them all working soon.

Dave Hughes

Sorry about that Arthur, I shall continue to post a full transcript of what I say on the video, so at least you can read it. Would a download link be useful, so that you can download the video (they're not particularly huge files) and watch them offline in your own time?

If you have any pics, or better still video, of those machines working I'm sure to be able to make room for them on the site!
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