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Production Scene From The Post Movie

Started by Mechanic, June 02, 2018, 06:52:22 AM

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George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Dave Hughes

Nice find George, didn't realise that was on YouTube.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I can't believe that page was made up on the stone without any of the type being inked for proofing purposes.

I guess they just thougt it looked better nice and shiny!
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John Nixon

Did you notice the Linotype Operator picks up the type and appears to be reading it with the ribs facing towards himself.

Any quality operator / comp always held the type to read from left to right, the way it is being held it needs to be read right to left.

The page compositor is working from the side of the form, the comp usually stood at the head of the page, again so it was easy to read lines the way he was used to.

The Editor/page editor always stood at the tail of the page.

Just saying . . .


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