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Ludwig Mohr passed away

Started by John Cornelisse, January 15, 2022, 03:38:18 PM

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John Cornelisse

Today 15-02-2022, I got this sorry message in an email:

This is Ludwig Mohr wife. He has passed away this Sunday.

My cell: 3238934961, Email: ,

Yilan (Heidi) Luo


There were two inventions added to the Linotype that turned it from a line casting machine into a composing machine. The Quadder and the Mohr saw.

George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Keri Szafir

Sad news for sure... To think that he was pretty active during and after last year's ATF conference...
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke
"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever." --John Keats
Founder and owner of Keritech Electronics

John Cornelisse

Ludwig Mohr was just in his sixties.... he did leave us far too earlier


Do we know if Ludwig was related to the company that made the Measure Control and Saw attachments for line casters?

interrobang letterpress
18 Kenton Road
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

interrobang letterpress
18R Kenton Road
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

John Cornelisse

You could ask his lady, Yilan (Heidi) Luo, see the start post of this item.


I emailed Heidi Luo and asked.
Was Ludwig any relation to the inventor of the Mohr Linotype saw?
I assumed he was, otherwise why did she notify Metal Type.
Turns out she is an American actress. We are still none the wiser.

Her reply

I am not sure. I asked his friends. Some say it looks like him, some say it is just same last name.

I know his father was an inventor, but he passed away in 1969.

Heidi Luo
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Keri Szafir

That's a rather good clue, now to verify it...
Given that Ludwig's father died in '69, he could have had a few inventions and accomplishments before WWII, so it's rather possible that Linotype innovations were some of them. And it may be possible that Ludwig got into typography, casting, typesetting and printing thanks to his father. Who knows.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke
"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever." --John Keats
Founder and owner of Keritech Electronics

Dave Hughes

Peter Coleman, the Managing Editor at "The news publishing technology resource - informing southeast Asia, India, Australasia and the world" has been following this story with interest.

Today, he published an article on the controversy, along with an appeal for information in a bid to get to the bottom of the matter.

The article can be read here: Casting around as a Mohr mystery gets us all into hot metal
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Several emails back and forth to Heidi Lou has established that Ludwig is not the son of the inventor of the Mohrsaw. Heidi is contacting Ludwig's family in Germany to see if there is any connection of Ludwig to Charles L Mohr the inventor.
I should point out Mohr had nothing to do with the invention of the various forms of the Linotype or Intertype Quadder.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Keri Szafir

Here's the message I just got from the ATF mailing list:

I just heard today of Ludwig's passing. Reported on the Book Arts listserv, below, passed on to me by a friend who subscribes. I don't participate in social media, and therefore miss out on a lot of things like this, alas.


As many of you know, Ludwig Mohr passed away earlier this month. I am working with Ludwig Mohr's wife to sell off the equipment and materials from his shop. Not surprisingly, Ludwig didn't leave us a list with the necessary descriptions, dates, and appraised value. We, therefore, need help to determine the value of the older 19th Century presses. Here is a list of the older cast iron equipment.

Albion Press, Hand Press 1862

Karl Krause Etching Press (Date?)

KARL KRAUSE manual press (1880?)

Challenge Advance Guillotine

Karl Krause Joint nipping press (1890s)

As Ludwig's shop is closing, we will liquidate his extensive collection of equipment and materials. We need accurate descriptions, dates, and pricing (high and low), with all proceeds will go to Ludwig's surviving spouse, Heidi Lao Mohr. See dropbox link.

Heidi is planning a memorial in Ludwig's honor (date TBD). Please let me know if you are interested in attending or send your condolences.

I appreciate your help.

John Flynn--
Bradley Hutchinson
1906 Miriam
Austin, Texas 78722

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke
"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever." --John Keats
Founder and owner of Keritech Electronics

Dave Hughes

I know it's short notice, but there will be an auction of equipment from Ludwig's estate taking place in Maywood, California, USA on May 10.

An illustrated catalogue of items can be found here.
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