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Rogers Typograph

Started by Tony Adams, December 17, 2012, 10:08:15 PM

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Tony Adams

To add to the information given about these machines in connection with the one held in the Whittaker Collection by the Museum of Science & Industry at the original London Road Station in Manchester, they were the preferred typecasting machine of German book printers, as they only cost half as much as a Linotype - well, they effectively WERE half a Linotype! - and although the factory producing them had been bombed flat in WW2, it was quickly put back into production again afterwards. Book printers in East Germany got by as best they could, but had great difficulty in obtaining new machines as theirs wore out, so, amazingly, the Typograph was put back into production in East Germany in 1960. Possibly the existing production system was simply transferred from West to East Germany. I have no information on when production ceased in East Germany, but the possibility perhaps exists of obtaining one of these fascinating machines - much more practical for a hobby or small commercial shop than a Linotype - that has seen relatively little use.

Dave Hughes

Thanks for that Tony, the Typograph is a very interesting machine.

Not sure if you saw this article, here on Metal Type. The Rogers Typograph. It explained that the machine was still available for purchase in 1965.
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