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Canadian Linotype

Started by Mechanic, November 11, 2007, 07:04:19 AM

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When I worked for Canadian Linotype I was told by one of the managers, that Canadian Linotype had started life manufacturing Linotypes to avoid the high cost of duty levied on imported machines. I ran across the following web page which maybe of interest. I am of course referring to the second item on the page. The page opens in PDF format.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Dave Hughes

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I don't know for sure Dave, but I was told Canadian Linotype used the same model names as in the USA. I believe the model L and K were manufactured in Canada. I understand that when Mergenthaler took control, Canadian Linotype had a lot of completed machines. In order to move these machines the company had an "R" stamped in front of the serial number and sold them, at a reduced price, as rebuilt machines.

Of course all this is hear say and I could stand corrected by some other old timer.

The following gives a little insight into manufacture of Linotypes in Canada.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast


A bit more info on the takeover of Canadian Linotype by Mergenthaler.

On February 24, 1909, the New York Times carried an item, which referred to the absorption of the British Linotype Company, Ltd. to stop rival price cutting.

It stated that the British company controlled all of the properties of the Canadian-American Linotype Company which as part of the bargain, would be taken over by the American company. The Mergenthaler-Setz-Manchinen‑Fabrik, which I assume was the German Linotype Co., was also included in the purchase.

Mergenthaler president Dodge told stockholders that when the Mergenthaler Company acquired control of the foreign companies an effort would be made to have the manufacturers maintain list prices
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

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