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Castle on the Hill

Started by Mechanic, June 11, 2011, 05:45:15 AM

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"High on Union Hill in the City of Colorado Springs stands one of the most beautiful buildings in the country, known as the "Castle on the Hill." Erected in 1892, by members of the International Typographical Union, The Union Printers Home has served as a haven for more than 25,000 sick and indigent printers for the past 100 years." It was comprised of 125 beds for Union members who suffered a variety of illnesses that were caused by lead, toxins, or inhalents. They also catered to the ill-laden tuberculosis patients. It was essentially a rehabilitation service, to cater to illnesses that workers of the union may have so that once they were better they could again sustain themselves. "

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George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Dave Hughes

Fascinating stuff George, from the not-too-distant past.

This bit sprung to my attention:

QuotePrinters in the union only had an average life expectancy of about 28 years

So, I would guess, they were expiring at about the age of 45, and these were skilled workers!

You can see why, in those days, health care was much more of an issue than pensions!
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I was a member of the International Typographical Union from 1957 until I returned to Australia in September 1969. Part of our dues were for insurance for death benefits and the upkeep of the union hospital. Union dues in Canada at that time were tax deductable. When I was leaving Canada I had to  go to the tax office to ensure I was not skipping the country without paying all my taxes. A tax officer looked at my claim for union dues and asked why I was not getting any of the insurance back. I told him that when you left the ITU you forfeited your insurance benefits. He said that doesn't sound legal. It appears that the money was for a good cause.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

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