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Where Did This L&M Sign Come From?

Started by Timpers77, March 20, 2019, 07:53:33 PM

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Just bought a L&M (Linotype and Machinery) alloy sign.
I've never seen one on a machine and was wondering if it was used for advertising.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Dave Hughes

It looks to me like it came off a machine. Too plain (and no background) for it to be a general advert.
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Thanks Dave. I'll see if there are any clues when it arrives.


How large is it? Perhaps it hung above a door at a branch office?

interrobang / linotypesetting

interrobang letterpress
18R Kenton Road
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130


It turned up today and is 19cm wide and 9cm tall. Dull alloy finish with two screw holes !


Keep in mind Linotype and Machinery, also manufactured printing presses. It could very well come from a printing press. It certainly did not come from any Linotype that I've seen.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast

Dave Hughes

It looks to me like it could have come from some foundry equipment, perhaps a stereo plate making machine.

Maybe one of these:

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A bit flash for linotype more likely say, London and Manchester Insurance, L & M cigarette and several others.


Fairly sure it is Linotype. A few family members worked in Altrincham and my mum has some old Linotype news magazines which featured this logo. Plus found this online.

Keri Szafir

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke
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Bruce Anderton

Probably came off a Miehle press. Interestingly, the L&M logotype was made in matrix form and used in some of their house publications (as in this ad) when such things were in vogue.

As regards the "Linotype and Gill Sans" comment, the ad was obviously not set up by L&M, who would have used their own typefaces. Metro perhaps?

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