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Operational Typograph Machine - Video

Started by Dave Hughes, April 28, 2022, 06:46:21 PM

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Dave Hughes

There are plenty of videos on this site, and in other places, of Linotypes in operation. But to my knowledge, there are very few of a Rogers Typograph in operation.

So I was surprised to find this video, from Germany, on YouTube.

The Typograph was very much a low-budget linecaster compared to a Linotype or Intertype. It was also designed to be operated with the operator standing up!

There are other articles about the Typograph on this site, including this example that was still being used in a Scottish jobbing office up until 1979.

This machine is part of The Whittaker Collection of linecasters and there are more photos and details here:

The Whittaker Collection - The Typograph

Also on the site is the fascinating story of how a new, updated version of the machine came to be manufactured in the 1960s.

The Modern Typograph - Article taken from The History of the Printer by Dr. James Eckman, published in 1965
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George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast


I wonder does anyone recall the German made spaces sorting machine, the 'Kawi Sortier Hexe.'  It looked much like a miniature version of a fun fair mat slide tower.  The thing was It worked  with vibrations and worked very well.   I'd dearly like to have one and have a use for it   with the hand setting and dissing I do.

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