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Introduction - And pics of my Composition Caster

Started by keelan, March 15, 2023, 11:26:36 PM

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Hello everyone!

I recently became the owner of a Monotype composition caster, No. 28474. I already have a couple Linotypes, but this is my first foray into Monotypes.

The pallet it was shipped on disintegrated on the way to my house, and it looks like it took a spill while in transit. The piston spring rod is bent, which cracked the piston operating rod crosshead.

It's also most likely missing pieces, but I am entirely unfamiliar with these machines, so I don't know what. Lots to learn.

It has since been transferred to a more solid pallet, moved to level ground, and is now on its way into my garage. Some more photos as received:

Dave Hughes

Hi @keelan and welcome to the Metal Type Forum.

Thanks for posting the pics, they look great.

As you probably know, there is a strong community of Monotype owners/operators from Canada who visit this forum who I am sure will be able to give you some help and advice when you need it.

They include: @Jason @Dan Jones @KPMartin and maybe some more who post as Guests.

Once again thanks for joining the Forum, I'm looking forward to seeing you get that machine up and running!  ;D

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Is this the caster from the recent auction in Calgary? Are you in Alberta (where's your snow)?

I might be able to help you with broken pump crosshead parts. You fared better that some other Monotypes that fell in shipping; I remember one that landed on the camshaft side and cracked a major casting as well as bending most of the parts of the jaw tongs spring box.

My caster is serial #28385, and I have parts from 26406 which was disassembled for parts.

Looks like yours is pure English, at least the bridge and pump are English ones (I have both English and American/Lanston bridges and pumps that I can fit).

The main missing bit I see is the support for the galley; this fits into the two holes in the foreground of the 5th photo. Two rods go in there and these support a sort of bracket that holds the closed end of the galley in place. Also missing is the Adjusting Stand (which supports the end of each line as it is pushed onto the galley). I think I have a spare or two of these as well.

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