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Postage stamps

Started by printsmurf, June 06, 2020, 11:05:32 AM

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Issued on 27 January 1969 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Athenaeum Press, Budapest                                       (Hungary)


Issued on 8 December 1976 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the printing of the first Greek book.  (Greece)

 The first printed book entirely in Greek was produced in Milan in 1476, in the printing house of Diogini da Paravicino (Dionysius Parvisinus).


Issued on 28 May 1955 to celebrate the centenary of the State Printers.    (Hungary)


Issued on 4 February 1980 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Uruguayan Printers' Association.       (Uruguay)


Issued on 1 March 1964, a sister stamp to that shown in post 93 on page 7          (USSR)
Ivan Fyodorov Monument, Moscow.


Issued on 18 April 2012 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the printing of the first Hebrew book in Prague.      (Czech Republic)


Issued on 29 August 1995 to celebrate 'Day of Printing'                           (Belarus)


Issued on 7 December 1972 to commemorate the first book printed in Costa Rica in 1830. Miguel Carranza created the first print shop called La Paz in 1830.


Issued on 18 October 1957 to commemorate the first publication printed in Cuba. 'Taripa General De Precios De Medecinas' (General Rate Of Medicine Prices) was printed in 1723.


Issued on 23 September 1982 to celebrate 100th Anniversary of the Kner Printing Company Office, Gyoma.               (Hungary)
Man carries books; Woodcut by Lajos Kozma (1884-1948)


Issued on 20 October 2001 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the  Royal Dutch Printing Society.                                   (Netherlands)


Gutenberg      from post 23 on page 2 to post 56 on page 4

At that time I posted -  'That, as far as I am aware, is the last Gutenberg postage stamp (certainly the legitimate ones).'
I have found some more.

Before 1870 Germany consisted of several states, four kingdoms, six grand-duchies, five duchies, seven principalities, three free towns and one 'Reichsland'.
Many of them issued their own stamps. In 1870 Germany was united and only Bavaria and Wurttemberg continued issuing their own stamps.

GERMANY (Local Issues) Magdeburg - Mainz
1888 Gutenberg, inscription "Druckschriften Expedition Circulair Post zu Mainz"

  1 p blue
  3 p red
  5 p brown
  1 M brown
  5 M silver
  20 M gold

I can find no image of the 20M

They were later surcharged, but I have only found three.

  '2' on 1 p blue
  '2' on 3 p red
  '2' on 1 M brown
  '3' on 3 p red
  '3' on 5 p brown
  '3' on 5 M silver
  '3' on 20 M gold


Before 1870 Germany consisted of several states, four kingdoms, six grand-duchies, five duchies, seven principalities, three free towns and one 'Reichsland'.

Many of them issued their own stamps. In 1870 Germany was united and only Bavaria and Wurttemberg continued issuing their own stamps. 

GERMANY (Local Issues) Frankurt Am Main
1900 Inscription "Circularpost-Francofurtia Gedenkmarke 1400 Johann Gutenberg 1900"

  1 M green
  5 M brown
  10 M grey
  25 M brown
  50 M brown
  100 M gold


Issued on 25 October 1985 in a series 'Industries' - Manufacturing of plastic bags.             (Bophuthatswana)

First Day Postcard showing printing and manufacture of the bags.


Issued on 29 April 2004 to celebrate 250 years of the printing of the History of Montenegro           (Montenegro)

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