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Oxford University Press 1925

Started by Dave Hughes, December 12, 2013, 09:42:16 AM

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Printle: A Printing Word Game from Metal Type

Dave Hughes

A lovely silent film to sit back and enjoy.

Typesetting, stereo, press and bindery work all feature.

Look out for a short section, about eight and a half minutes in, with the caption: "Printing the Oxford English Dictionary on a 70-year-old machine at a speed of 1,750 pages per hour."

That makes the press c1850!

Oxford University Press and the Making of a Book
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Fascinating video. It was good to see the (male) workers all wearing ties, but OH & S observances were pretty slack.

As part of a house clearance, I have a bookcase of books most of which date from the turn of the 20th century, predating the books in the video. The people working on the books on the video presumably thought their labours would have value forever.

I fear this bookcase's contents will not find any interest anywhere and most will finish up as landfill. :'(

Kindle has a lot to answer for. Or has it democratised the transmission of information? :)

Dave Hughes

Quote from: listohan on January 26, 2014, 09:03:25 AM

Kindle has a lot to answer for. Or has it democratised the transmission of information? :)

An interesting question, and I'm sure minds far greater than ours will struggle with it.

Only hindsight will reveal the answer!
Printle: Word Puzzle for Printers Play Now

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