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Movable Type

Started by Mechanic, April 16, 2015, 01:22:38 AM

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Printle: A Printing Word Game from Metal Type


Issued in 2005        20 Won coin  -  World's first metal types for printing                (North Korea)

I have no information on the images, only on the face is the Daedong temple in PyongYang


Medal - VEB Typoart Leipzig  Made of porcelain   65mm diameter

According to Wikipedia - VEB Typoart was created by the government of the German Democratic Republic in 1948 through a merger of several nationalised type foundries, including Schelter & Giesecke (1945), Schriftguss AG (1951), Ludwig Wagner AG (1961), and Norddeutsche Schriftgießerei (1961). Originally called Schriftguß KG Dresden (1945) and VEB Schriftguß Dresden (1958), the enterprise was renamed to VEB Typoart in 1951.

Writing/Sign of factory.

1948 • 1968

Writing/Portrait of Johannes Gutenberg.

Lettering: 1468 • JOHANNES GUTENBERG • 1968



The next few posts are all reposts due to the 'outage' suffered today so you may have seen them before if you are a regular visitor to this thread. This may take some time as a month's worth of posts were lost.

Erecting a statue for Laurens Jansz. Coster in Haarlem  1856

Bronze medal. Obverse: statue of Coster with cut-out letter A in raised right hand and book pressed against him in left hand within an inscription.

Reverse: inscription illuminated by celestial light that dispels thick cloud cover


Advertising stamp - 500 years of book printing, Szeged Industrial Fair, 1940


Artist postcard Berlin, 50 years. Celebration of the Association of Berlin Book Printers and Type Founders 1912, Circus Schumann.



With a title in four languagesGerman, Latin, French and Italian).  Der Schriftgiesser - Fusor typorum ceneorum - Le Fondeur on Caracteres - Il Fondatore de Caratteri.
JW Meil. "The Spectacle of Nature & Arts".
Johann Wilhelm Mei lwas a painter, engraver, draftsman, etcher and book illustrator.

That is the last of the 'lost posts'.


William Caslon (1692 - 1766) created the Caslon typeface, first used in 1726.  He was succeeded by his son of the same name and the firm continued in the family until 1937. Caslon Old Face was used for printing the American Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.


The Dance of Death


The picture of typefounder Danne(n)berg was paid for by his wife, Mrs. Anna Dorothea Danne(n)berg.

The typefounder is at work in his nicest clothes with his assistant in front of the melting furnace (you see the chimney in the background). The picture, like so many others in Erfurt, is more of a portrait than an actual dance of death. Death shows up behind his victim, but he does not kill them, does not drag them off, and most importantly: he does not dance.

Another one

Compositor, printers and book trader

Death comes for the compositor and the printers

Book printer


Women Compositors

Victoria Press was a printing press founded in 1860 by women's rights activist Emily Faithfull, with the backing of the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women. It was dedicated to the employment of women in the printing and publishing industry. Faithfull also hired men to teach the women not only how to compose but also how to operate the heavy presses. The initiative was opposed by the printers' union who argued for reasons of morality and the printing press suffered sabotage. However, she continued to be active, producing solid work that culminated in the thirty-five volumes of the Victoria Magazine publication, dedicated to defending women's rights.

In Berlin the Lette-Verein, a German technical school for girls, included a school for women compositors. The school was to a certain extent modeled after the English Society for Promoting the Employment of Women. The school for compositors was housed in a different building. It was an offshoot of the Lette-Verein, and under the management of the society.

In Paris, Gaëtan Deltufo opened the doors of his workshop wide to young people who wanted to learn "to lift the letter". He conceived the project, the first in France, of teaching typography to women, and in 1794 he addressed a very original petition on this subject to the National Convention for the establishment of a female typographic school.

In 1897, the feminist Marguerite Durand founded her newspaper La Fronde, "a women's and feminist newspaper". The newspaper was written, laid out, edited and printed entirely by women to demonstrate their competence and to establish their equality with men at all levels, in journalism and in public life.


Pierre Didot, 'L' aine, Paris, France.    Several generations if Didots were printers and typefounders, making important contributions to machine papermaking, improving the Fournier point system, and, as shown on this medal) devising a simplified punctuation system) that included the period, comma, semicolon, question mark, and exclamation point.


The Book of Trades was first published in Frankfurt in 1568 as the result of cooperation between the poet and cobbler Hans Sachs, the artist Jost Amman and one of their most influential contemporary German publishers, Sigmund Feyerabend. The book contains 114 texts, each illustrated with a woodcut, that describe the spiritual and secular hierarchy of the time as well as numerous trades and professions.

'The Typefounder casts type from bismuth, tin and lead. Roman, Gothic and Greek alphabets, capital letters and punctuation marks'. Poem by Hans Sachs, color woodcut by Jost Amman.


Another 'lost post'
Issued on 2 March 2000    (South Korea)
Invention of movable metal type


Another 'lost post'

Issued on 10 December 2020 in a series 'Lost Artefacts'                  (North Korea)


Portrait of Laurens Coster.  Medalist: Gerard Marshorn 1934. The Dutch artist who created this medal was later an underground printer for the Resistance and was executed by the Nazis during World War II. Issued by the Book Printers Federation.

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