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Trade cards, Cigarette cards, Stickers etc

Started by printsmurf, January 24, 2023, 10:53:13 AM

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Printle: A Printing Word Game from Metal Type


Issued in 2010.  5 Dollar coin - Ivan Fyodorov                    (Cook Islands)

Obverse: Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, ruler, country and value; "ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 5 DOLLARS"
Reverse Lettering: Ivan Fyodorov Иван Фёдоров 1510-1583   2010
1510-1583 2010


Postcard from the Exposition du Livre showing the Linotype Concession stand - dated (from the stamp) 1907
On the back is a message arranging to meet on the Sunday morning. The recipient, a Mr. Reilly is a sieve manufacturer.


On a humourous note.................postcard from Chocolat Martougin, Belgium.     Year unknown
Wording on front of card in two languages
French: An unexpected linotypist
Dutch: a peculiar setter


Liebig card from the series 'The stone and its Use' from 1903   This card is titled 'The Lithographic Stone'
The card shown is in italian but this series was also produced in French, Dutch and German


Liebig card from a series titled 'The History of our Provinces, Aalst, East Flanders' The third card in the set was titled 'The printing press of Thierry Martens circa 1490'
Issued in 1952


Rheinperle Delikatess Margarine. Number 24 in series 4 - Inventors.    Friedrich Konig, along with Andreas Bauer, built a high speed printing press in the early 1800's which could print over 1000 sheets per hour. Not much information about this series except that most of these stamps appeared from 1900 to 1918. I have posted number 23 in this series in the Gutenberg thread.


Rheinperle Delikatess Margarine. Number 21 in series 4 - Inventors. Alois Senefelder, inventor of lithography


Scientific Inventions and Discoveries - Cigarette Card by R & J Hill dating from 1929
Caxton was card number 32 from 35


Same image as previous post, but in colour and on squarer card. Still from 1929.


In the same series - number 21 was Mergenthaler.

Also issued in the smaller size in colour

Black and white



Two cards from Rothmans 'Modern Inventions' series from 1935

Number 6 - linotype Machine

Number 20 - Newspaper Press


Bon Marché card -'Old Paris' Exhibition in 1900
Number 7 of 12 was 'Printing'   The reverse of the card is an advertisement for the store


Off topic slightly.........

William Caxton was England's first printer and it is generally accepted that he was born in Tenterden, Kent. The William Caxton Public House.

Photograph c.1952
Photograph c. 2010

Original pub sign ( I could only find a black and white photo)

Pub sign as at closure

The pub closed in lockdown and is due to reopen as 'The Print House'


'The Bookbinder' - old colored lithograph b. Scribes in Esslingen, around 1860

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