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Trade cards, Cigarette cards, Labels, etc.

Started by printsmurf, January 24, 2023, 10:53:13 AM

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The chap on the note is Guðbrandur Þorláksson, bishop of Hólar from 8 April 1571 until his death. He was the longest-serving bishop in Iceland and is known for printing the Guðbrandsbiblía, first complete Icelandic translation of the Bible.


The chap on this note is Antonio Amador José de Nariño y Álvarez del Casal (1765 – 1824. He was a Colombian ideological precursor of the independence movement in New Granada (present day Colombia). In 1794, Nariño procured a copy of the "Declaration of the Rights of Man", which was being distributed by the French Assembly. He translated it from its original French into Spanish and printed several copies from his own private press. A copy of the declaration can be seen on the left of the front and a small wooden handpress can be seen bottom right of the reverse


In the 1970s and 1980s, a New Zealander named Bruce Grenville began a hoax, claiming to have founded the Sultanate of Occussi-Ambeno. He invented a history for the Sultinate and produced many cinderella stamps for his creation.
On 21st September, 1989 he issued Great Print Inventors.

Ottmar Mergenthaler appears on the 2 cent and 2 dollar stamps
The other two stamps in this set feature Chester Carlson, best known for having invented the process of electrophotography, which produced a dry copy rather than a wet copy, as was produced by the mimeograph process. Carlson's process was subsequently renamed xerography, a term that literally means "dry writing."


A First Day Cover from the The British Postal Museum & Archive issued for Victorian Innovation. The cachet depicts a Folding Machine made by Thomas De La Rue & Company and was exhibited at The Great Exhibition of 1851.


Cinderella stamp showing a Victoria platen      (date unknown)

Two images of the press


Advertising stamp for the International Printing Machinery and Allied Trades Exhibition 1963
Forerunner of IPEX


Advertising stamp for the 7th International Printing Exhibition 1925


Postcard from the 1906 exhibition
International Printing, Stationery & Allied Trades Exhibition, Agricultural Hall 1906


In the autumn of 1914 in Barcelona, Catalonia due to the First World War there's not much work for Catalan printing works.

In a time without unemployment pay that meant misery for their workers and their families. So, some artists decided to draw some cinderellas, print them at a very good printer (Oliva de Vilanova, Barcelona) and collect some money to help.

Hence the text "Socors, per a la vaga forçosa" (help for the unvoluntary strike).

The cinderellas have a face value of 5 cents.

The one of interest is the print machine on the second line of stamps


The Book of Trades was first published in Frankfurt in 1568 as the result of cooperation between the poet and cobbler Hans Sachs, the artist Jost Amman and one of their most influential contemporary German publishers, Sigmund Feyerabend. The book contains 114 texts, each illustrated with a woodcut, that describe the spiritual and secular hierarchy of the time as well as numerous trades and professions.

The Bookbinder

Notice the tools and equipment: going clockwise from top:

rolls- for tooling leather                       spools of thread                 tying-up boards           cabinet makers axe for shaping boards
rasps         finished book with clasps               plough-trimming text block             bow-saw              plane-shaping boards
draw knife                  text block hammer-reduce swell                    lying presses                               unsewn quires
sewing frame                             gimlet-for lacing holes in cover boards

Ich bind allerley Bücher ein/
Geistlich und Weltlich/groß und klein/
In Perment oder Bretter nur
Und beschlags mit guter Clausur
Und Spangen/und Stempff sie zur zier/
Ich sie auch im anfang planier/
Etlich vergüld ich auff dem Schnitt/
Da verdien ich viel geldes mit.

I bind all sorts of books /
Religious and worldly / large and small /
In parchment or plain boards
And fit it with a good covering/
And clasps / and tool it with decorations /
I even flatten them at the beginning /
And many I gild on the edges /
With which I earn much money.


The book of English Trades and Library of the useful arts : with eighty-six wood-cuts.

First published in 1804, this illustration of a Book-Binder dates from the 1827 publication.

Six pages are devoted to the Book-Binder and four to the Bookseller


Francysk Skaryna also appeared on a phonecard
Issued in November 2001 in a series - Historic Figures of Belarus


Monuments to Francysk Skaryna

Minsk  Belarus

Lida    Belarus

Polotsk  Belarus

Prague    Czech Republic


Cigar band from 1968        Brand:Verellen - Vieil Anvers                   (Belgium)
Series old Antwerp - Vieil Anvers - Black wings (KF)    The Plantin Museum


İbrahim Müteferrika - First Muslim Printer of the Ottoman Empire

In the courtyard of the second-hand booksellers of the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, there is the bust of a man with a turban. It is İbrahim Müteferrika, according to the plaque. The seventeen numbered lines below the name are the titles of the seventeen first books printed in Turkish, published in the workshop of Müteferrika, the first Turkish printing press.

İbrahim Müteferrika printed a total of 17 different books throughout his life in the printing house he founded:
1729 Kitab-ı Lügat-ı Vankulu (Sihah El-Cevheri) - 2 volumes
1729 Tuhfet-ül Kibar fi Esfar el-Bihar
1729 Tarih-i Seyyah
1730 History of Hind-i West
1730 History of Timur Gürgan
1730 History of Mısr-i Kadim ve Mısr-i Cedid
1730 Gülşen-i Hülefa
1730 Grammaire Turque
1732 Usul el-Hikem fi Nizam el-Ümem
1732 Fiyuzat-ı Magnetisiye
1732 Cihan-nüma
1733 Takvim el-Tevarih
1734 Kitab-ı Tarih-i Naima - 2 volumes
1735 Tarih-i Raşid - 3 volumes
1741 Tarih-i Çelebizade
1741 Ahval-i Gazavat der Diyar-ı Bosna
1742 Kitab-ı Lisan el- Acem el Müsemma bi-Ferheng-i Şuuri - 2 volumes

Bust of İbrahim Müteferrika in the Sahaflar Çarşısı (Istanbul). 

The Statue of  İbrahim Müteferrika in Tekirdağ, Turkey

The statue of İbrahim Mütefferika in the small square close to the Rákóczi Museum in Tekirdağ. The two and a half meter high wooden statue was inaugurated on 24th August 2007. The inscription in Hungarian and Turkish writes as following: "I, modest and humble servant, İbrahim Müteferrika, was born in the city of Kolozsvár, Hungary."

Tomb in the Pera Mevlevi Cemetery, Istanbul

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