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Started by printsmurf, January 24, 2023, 10:53:13 AM

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Test and proof stamps from Waterlow and Sons

These four date from 1928

These are of a similar age


The image below dates from 1874. It shows lithographic printing and is printed by Prang and Mayer from Boston who specialized in architectural and educational prints as well as greeting cards.



This image of the interior of the British bookbinding establishment of Westleys & Clark was issued by the Philadelphia lithographer P.S. Duval sometime between 1842 and 1850.


Postcard from 1907 on the banner consecration of the Berlin Book Printing Association


The Tenth Association Day of the Master Bookbinders in Baden 1911,    The Board of the Association.


I do not know when this postcard dates from.

Die verhängnisvolle Prise, Buchdrucker mit Druckerschwärze in der Nase = The Fatal Pinch, Printer with Printer's Ink in His Nose


Das Hausbuch der Mendelschen Zwölfbrüderstiftung zu Nürnberg – The house-book of the Mendel Twelve Brothers Foundation in Nuremburg
In 1388, the wealthy merchant Konrad Mendel had a retirement home built to house and feed twelve needy old craftsmen from Nuremberg at a time and had it equipped with capital for its long-term operation. It was an alms-house intended to support twelve elderly poor citizens of good repute. The 'brothers' followed a rule similar to that of a monastery and were expected to spent a significant amount of time in church and at prayer. From around 1425/26, each "Mendel brother" was portrayed with a full-page portrait in the Mendel House Book. By the end of the imperial city period, it had grown to a total of 857 pages with 765 depictions of craftsmen in folio format.
Mendel's foundation model found a prominent successor in the early 16th century, when the mining entrepreneur Matthäus Landauer founded a second Nuremberg "Twelve Brothers' House" with a similar function and the same memorial book format: the Landauer Twelve Brothers Foundation with its house book of the same name, begun in 1511, which includes 439 pages with portraits of 406 craftsmen. This foundation also lasted until 1806.

This is a two-volume work published in 1965 by Bruckmann München, containing reproductions of 15th and 16th century watercolours depicting craftsman at work, with an accompanying volume of historical essays.

Reproduction from a project of Nürnberger City Library that edited and digitized the craftsmen illustrations from 15th-19th century house books of the Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen.

Description:   The brother is standing at the large printing press and is carrying out the printing process with the hammer. On the right, the assistant is inking the printing plate with the inking ball.

Above the image:   Erhardt Buttman A printer came to the brothers' house on the orders of Mr. Johan Neudorffer on November 6th, 1554, at the age of 90.

His brother died in the brothers' house on October 20th, 1559, at the age of 96, and was a very pious old man to whom Mr. Johan Neudorffer showed and proved many good things, and loved him very much. And he is the 364th brother in his household.


Description:   The journeyman printer, depicted as a brother in a buttoned jacket and collar, is standing at the table with his right hand resting on a pile of printed paper. In the background, on the wall, appears a mythical creature, half bird, half cloven-hoofed animal, probably a hippogryph, holding a red printer's pad in its claws. 

Above the portrait:   Balthaßar Zimmermann, citizen and journeyman printer here, was accepted as a brother of this honorable foundation on June 17th, A(nn)o C(hristi) 1708. He was 69 years old.

Below the portrait:   This Balthaßar Zimmermann was emaciated from old age and his lungs were completely gone. He was bedridden for half a year until he passed away blessedly in God on March 30th, A(nn)o 1718 and was buried under his stone on April 3rd at St. John's Churchyard. He was seventy-ninth year old and a brother of this foundation in his tenth year. May God grant him a blessed resurrection.


Description:    Köstner, depicted as a canon brother in a buttoned jacket and collar, is standing at the printing press and applying the printer's ink to the printing plates with the mushroom-shaped inking pad, the tampon. On the right - cut off - a sheet of paper, probably a test print, can be seen.

Above the image:   Matthaeus Köstner, citizen and journeyman printer, was accepted into the brotherhood of this honorable foundation on January 2nd, 1714, at his request and due to his good testimony. He was 70 years old.

Below the image:   This Matthäus Köstner, who had been unable to attend public services for a year due to physical weakness, was attacked by a violent flu which completely paralyzed his tongue, and after a four-week bed he passed away on July 16th, 1725, and was laid to rest in the journeyman printer's grave on the 18th, ditto, in St. John's. May God grant him a joyful resurrection.


Description:   Deinlein, wearing a buttoned jacket and a collar, characterizes himself as a canon brother, and stands at a table with his hand on a stack of printed paper. In the background there is a book press on the right and a type case on the left. 

Above the image:   Jacob Deinlein, citizen and journeyman printer, was accepted as a brother of this honorable foundation on August 17, 1721, due to his persistence and good testimony. He was 60 years old.

Below the image:   This Jacob Deinlein, who had long lain low with consumption and aridity, fell asleep peacefully in the Lord on December 10, 1725, and was buried on the 13th in the grave of the journeymen printers in St. John's churchyard. May God grant him to rest peacefully in the earth, and on that day rise to eternal life.


Reicherdt, depicted in monastic dress with a buttoned jacket and collar and a wig, is standing behind a table with his left hand tucked into his jacket and his right hand resting on a handwritten letter. The background is occupied by a printing press on the right and a type case for the printing type on the left.

Above the portrait:   Augustin Christoph Reicherdt was a citizen and a relative of a printer here. After he had made several humble requests in view of bad times and circumstances with the knowledge of his wife, he was also graciously taken into the brother's house on Judica Sunday, which was April 4, 1756, in consideration of his praiseworthy behavior, at the age of 51.

Below the portrait:   The aforementioned brother was a quiet, pious man and always provided useful services to the monastery. A few years before his death he was increasingly ill and finally died of starvation in his 70th year, on January 25, 1776, and was then buried on the 30th of August in St. John's churchyard, after he had enjoyed the beneficence of the foundation at the age of 20.


The brother, dressed in a monastic habit with a buttoned jacket and a collar, is standing in front of a table and using a compass to mark out a line on a round disk. To the right is a tall book press, and next to it are finished sheets of paper.

Above the portrait:   Heinrich Wilhelm Schmid, a relative of the printing business, was made a brother on August 2nd, 1761, on the 11th Sunday after Trinity, in his 65th year, at his humble request and in view of his quiet and good life.

Below the portrait:   This brother was a hardworking and pious man. He lived in this brother's house for 15 years, and before his death suffered a stroke of some kind, from which he died peacefully on April 19th, 1776, in his 80th year, and was buried on the 23rd of August in a brother's grave in St. John's churchyard.


Apt, depicted in monastic habit with a buttoned jacket and collar, has tucked his left hand into his jacket. Behind him on the table lies a stack of unbound documents.

Above the portrait:      Leonhard Apt, a relative of the printing business, still single, was admitted to the monastery as a brother in his 46th year on April 29th, 1764, on Sunday Quasimod(o genitis infantes), at his own request, because of his always well-led lifestyle.

Below the portrait:   The above-named brother was struck down with consumption some time before his death, as a result of which he could no longer carry out his profession, which he continued tirelessly, as he would have liked. He proved himself to be generally willing and helpful during his eight years in this brotherhood. His death occurred suddenly and unexpectedly on April 16th. August 1771 at the age of just over 52 years, whereupon he was then laid to rest in a Christian manner on August 20th in the brothers' grave in St. Johan(n)is churchyard. 


Kleining is wearing a monastic habit, a buttoned jacket and a collar, his right hand is tucked into his jacket. I

Above the portrait:   Johann Caspar Kleining, citizen and printer in the Felsecke office here, was admitted to this foundation as a brother at his most humble request on 1st Trinity Sunday 6th June 1779 in his 66th year of age.

Below the portrait:   This above-named brother was unable to live there and therefore asked for his release and received it again after deducting 20 (guilders) from the funeral money brought in, on 5th August 1779.n his left hand he is holding a bookmark with an initial, probably a "K" - for Kleining.

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