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Coventry Evening Telegraph - video

Started by Dave Hughes, November 08, 2017, 08:38:53 PM

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Dave Hughes

Well-known UK TV and radio personality and journalist Jeremy Vine visits the newspaper where he first started working in the 1980s.

The building is open to visitors for a while before being converted to a hotel.

You may remember that the owners of the building contacted Metal Type earlier this year to try and solve the mystery of a message left by NATSOPA members in the press room:

Message left by Natsopa at Coventry Telegraph, UK

Unfortunately the combined might of the Metal Type readership was unable to solve the mystery.

Here's Jeremy's look round the quite eerie building.

Happier Times
If watching that video has left you feeling depressed, here's a video from better times.

Printle: Word Puzzle for Printers Play Now

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The second video didn't make me feel much better as it really showed the beginning of the end. It is a slow and painful death of newspapers. Nothing will save the printed newspaper.
George Finn (Mechanic)
Gold Coast


At least the internet makes amends by allowing access to back issues when newspapers were great again available to all

John Nixon

All is not lost.

People still love papers and the world of digital is the answer to the daily newspapers issues.

It's all about revenue, and until the Newspaper people understand that they need the same model for charging for advertisements as on-line, and a willingness to realise they are not the bees-knees anymore they will not survive.

Personalised printed papers, delivered to your door in the morning followed by timed short-run editions (targeting lunch and evening travel times), are the way forward.

This takes quality organisation and dedication to move forward with digital processes. Rip's can process and web print 41 double sided A4 pages per second now and the ability to deliver variable on every page if required is all available.

In New Zealand many suburban papers are printed this way and it just needs a major chain to believe. (Its not like they have not been shown the future, just need another Murdoch with the balls to do it.


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