In Memoriam

Many Thanks to Mike Wilson, from Yorkshire in the UK, for sending in this story.

Says Mike: “One day, late in my career, I was production manager at Driffield Times. I now realise that I was not a very able manager, much preferring to be a keyboard operator. Read the Full Article . . .

Booing Advised

Many thanks to Mike Wilson, from Yorkshire in the UK, for sending in this story.

Says Mike: “After I had officially retired, I occasionally typeset material for local printers as I had a Macintosh computer at home. Read the Full Article . . .

Pressed Letters Printing, Australia – Video

William Amer sent in this video of his letterpress print shop, that was selected for the Sydney Film Festival, 2015.

Says William: “My claim to fame is that since 2009, there is finally a printer in the heritage village of Rockley, mid west NSW. And it is a Yorkshire born tradesman that’s done it. My wife’s historical research tells us that I am the only one, ever! Read the Full Article . . .