Picture taken in the 1930s/40s
Category: Newspaper
Yorkshire Evening Press
There are six pages of Yorkshire Evening Press photos on Metal Type. Check the “Related Pages” menu to see the rest.
Sunday Telegraph UK
George Clark, who has also written two stories for Metal Type, sent in these photographs of the last days of hot metal.
Welcome to Metal Type
METAL TYPE is the place for printers, typesetters and newspaper workers, who fondly remember those letterpress days, to come and reminisce.
The site originally concentrated on the ingenious Linotype mechanical typesetting machine invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler in 1884.
Shoe Lane to India
Photos by Malcolm Gregory of Linotypes leaving London’s Fleet Street for the journey to India in the late 1980s.
Linotype fan? Don’t miss the Linotype Chat section of the Metal Type Forum.