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Thompson British Installation & Operator’s Manual
A nice, clean 17-page document with a couple of illustrations in PDF format (464KB). Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. Click the heading to start the download.

Thompson Instruction Manual
The Thompson Automatic (British version) Instruction and Operator’s Manual, including maintenance, in PDF format. Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. 36 Pages (644KB).

Thompson British Automatic Platen List of Parts
53 pages, with lots of illustrations in PDF format. Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. (8.5MB).

Miehle V50 Vertical Instruction Book
37 pages, lots of illustrations. Sections on installation, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting in PDF format (11.3MB).

Miehle Vertical Press Catalogue of Parts
Every part of the press, both American and English versions, illustrated and catalogued. 37 pages in PDF format (8.39MB).

Printomatic Stop Cylinder Press
A 55-page document, with many illustrations, wiring diagrams, etc. Not as clean as the Thompson manual, made from scans of the original document. Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. PDF format (1.9MB).

Multigraph Printer Instruction Manual
Online instruction book for Multigraph Printers can be found at here: