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Linecaster fan? Make contact with others worldwide on the Metal Type Forum: Linotype Chat or Intertype Chat.

Taking Care of Your Intertype
Searchable PDF giving detailed instructions on maintaining an Intertype, including oiling diagrams. Sent in by John Nixon. (3 MB).

Thompson Typecaster Instruction Manual
Nice 40-page instruction booklet for this machine, signed by Sem Hartz. (8 MB).

Intertype Instruction Manual (1929)
“The Intertype, Its Function, Care, Operation and Adjustment”, by MacD Sinclair, with the collaboration of the engineering staff of the Intertype Corporation. From the collection of the Prelinger Library. All 450 pages. (58MB PDF).

Align-A-Mat Instructions (Fisk Industries)
8-page instruction book for this Linotype/Intertype matrix repair tool. (3.5 MB PDF).

Linotype Line c1960 Advertising Brochure
Interesting document, published by Linotype probably around 1960, advertising their current range of machines. Includes Comet, Meteor Model 5, Blue Streak Model 29, New Model 31, The Linofilm System, Model 33 and 34, Model 35 and 36. 14 (double) pages. (22.3MB PDF).

Erection Procedure for Blue Streak Model 5 Linotype
Detailed instructions on how to erect this machine, with floor plan. 17 pages. (20.9MB PDF).

Intertype Ready-Reckoner
An easy copy-fitting method. The character count method. 23 pages. (8.99MB PDF).

Intertype Matrix Identification
Numerical listing of type faces by font numbers. 40 pages. (28.4MB PDF).

Erection Prodedure for Model 31 Linotype
35 pages, published by Linotype, explaining how to erect a Model 31 Blue Streak Linotype after delivery in boxes from the factory. Sent in by David MacMillan. (21 MB PDF).

Model M Ludlow Instructions and Parts List
55 pages, illustations, maintenance, adjustments, wiring diagrams and parts list in PDF format. Sent in by David MacMillan. (18 MB).

Ludlow Model M Brochure, c.1960s
Nice advertising brochure, with many illustrations, sent in by David MacMillan. (3.33MB PDF).

Ruleform Composition with the Ludlow
Illustrated 6-page brochure showing the advantages of using Ludlow Ruleform matrices, sent in by David MacMillan. (2.05MB).

Ludlow Self-Centering Stick Instructions
A single, fairly high-resolution stick-sized JPEG, detailing how to use the Ludlow self-centering composition stick, sent in by David MacMillan. (324KB JPG).

Useful Matrix Information
Published by the Linotype Corporation in 1937. Useful information, including notches, tooth combinations, face identification numbers, suggested font schemes, accented characters, keyboard diagrams, All-Purpose Linotype matrix information, typographic refinements, etc. PDF format. Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. (3.41MB).

The New Linotype
An 8-page document, probably from the early 1900s, extolling the virtues of the new Linotype over the previous “Blower” machines. Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. PDF format (1.5 MB).

Ludlow Supersurfacer
Instructions and parts list, 17 pages, with some illustrations. PDF format (1 MB).

Monotype Model D Keyboard Instructions
French Language. Operator’s instruction manual. 110 pages. PDF format (9.18MB).

Interype Quadder
12-page advertising brochure for the Intertype Quadder, with some nice illustrations. PDF format (2.74MB).

The Intertype Autospacer
Functions, care, operation and adjustment. 24 pages, illustrated. PDF format (555KB).

Typofix Type Caster
A four page instruction manual in PDF format (264KB).

Shaffstall Transistor Mat Detector
72-page instruction manual and fault-finding guide, with illustrations for this device that was used on high-speed tape-operated linecasters. PDF format ( 93 MB). The Patent Application for this device is also available to download. PDF format, 10 pages (2.6MB).
Linecaster fan? Make contact with others worldwide on the Metal Type Forum: Linotype Chat or Intertype Chat.