There are six pages of Yorkshire Evening Press photos on Metal Type. Check the “Related Pages” menu to see the rest.
Bruce Anderton recently digitised some of his old photographic slide collection, and sent these in to Metal Type.
An Intertype Monarch on the TTS casting Section.The display ad setting section. Linotype Model 78SM, Model 50SM and, I think, an Intertype C4-4SM.Part of the TTS casting section. In the centre a Linotype Model 79, with Intertypes either side.
A double line of mostly Linotype Model 48s at York on August 18, 1984. The operator in view is Dennis Hope, from Wetherby, taking his lunchtime break “on the job.” The windows gave an excellent view over the River Ouse.
Two general views of the composing room. A model 48SM at the right, then “my” Model 48, another 48, a Linotype Model 72-90 and an Intertype G4 72-90. Up to the end at York many headings were still being keyboarded
“The red jacket hanging to the left of the last photograph probably belongs to the Press’s most photogenic compositor, Gerald Radnage.” – DH.