Intertype Model G4-4SM

Intertype Model G4-4SM

The Model G4 is a double distributor mixer machine with four main magazines.

The magazines are of the wide 72-channel and 90-channel types and are available in any desired combination: two wide 72-channel and two 90-channel magazines, or one wide 72-channel and three 90-channel magazines, or three wide 72-channel and one 90-channel magazines.

This machine may be equipped with two or four 34-channel side magazines (G4-2s.m. and G4-4s.m.). Front removal of main magazines.

All G4 mixer machines are convertible into non-mixer machines (72-90 C4, 72-90 C4-4s.m.and 72-90 C4-4s.m.).

Intertype fan? We have some great photos taken, in colour, at their Brooklyn factory in 1966 here: Intertype Factory, 1966 also don’t miss the Intertype Chat section of the Forum.

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