The Continenta could be had as a manually-operated machine offering 28/34/42 Cicero line widths (30/36/42em equivalents) or as a tape-operated version able to cast at speeds of 10 to 15 lines per minute. Weight: 1850kg.
It was a two-magazine mixer utilising standard 90-channel magazines and had a mould wheel with four water-cooled moulds. Hydraquadder and Mohr saw could be added as extras to the basic specification and the machine shown in the colour illustration is thus equipped.
Obviously intended as a high-speed basic text setter when running on tape, the addition of mixing capability offered the useful additional capability of setting classified advertising in small text sizes with semi-display lines being able to be introduced—say 5½pt/12pt. German Linotype had introduced many imaginative computer programs allowing such operations to be carried out using such a machine.