Rubén Brizuela, who runs a letterpress print shop in Mendoza, Argentina is the proud owner of this Model 1 Linotype, which is in full working condition.
He would like to see the machine taking pride of place in a museum somewhere, but nobody seems interested.
Is there a working Model 1 anywhere else? Let me know in the comments.

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You may recall Ruben had previously offered the machine for sale: Linotype Model 1 for Sale
Is this the last Model 1 running? Anyone know of another one? Could this machine be exhibited somewhere?
This brings back memories for me. I learned to work a Linotype Model 1 at Croydon School of Print around 1960-61. I remember having to slide a rod into the bottom of the type magazine before opening up the front. I forgot one time so the teacher ran his fingers across the keyboard resulting in matrixes dropping out of the magazine onto the keyboard thereby releasing more matrixes onto the keyboard and so on until all of the matrixes were all over the floor. (For you readers out there – I know it should be matrices. I don’t care any more !!) I had the last laugh – it was time to catch my bus so I left him to pick them up and put ’em back.
Thanks Mike, good to have someone who has operated a Model 1 comment.
I never knew the Croydon School of Print, but have operated Linecasters just up the road at the South London Press in Streatham.
Wouldn’t mind betting that Ruben has had the same catastrophe in his print shop.
Hi Dave, I remember South London Press. I did my six years apprenticeship at Heath Press on Thornton Heath High Street before they moved to Beddington Farm Road off Purley Way, Croydon. I then went as a Lino Op to George Rose Printers back in Thornton Heath where I spent the next ten years. Happy days !! Bert Devereaux, Brian (Fred) Gudgeon, Pat (Robin) Harris, Cyril Morcher, Harry Ollard, Stewart Bartle, just some of the operators there that come to mind. Does anyone remember them?
George Rose was my grandfather, his son Derek my father and Bernard my uncle. They both worked in Zion rd Thornton Heath
at some stage early in their careers. When the printing works was taken over by IPC (Cecil King?) and after my grandfather died circa 1967, they expanded the stationary business from the shop in west Croydon. My father died in 1997 and his brother in 1999. I am pleased that your time at George Rose printers later to become George Rose and sons was a happy one as it reflects perfectly the memories I have of my grandfather George Rose.
One of the unforgettable memories of my childhood is the smell of the ink and the noise of the printers when I think they where printing the Daily Mirror.
Kind regards,
Timothy Stuart Rose
HI Mick, Can I ask what era you were at George Rose. I worked there as a comp, it was my first job after finishing my apprenticeship in July 1975. All the best.
Hi Mick, I was at George Rose around ’74-’76ish. The Lino ops I remember were, Bob Lack, Robert Taylor, Bert Devereaux, Bruce James. I think the FOC was a Comp, Mick Deurkin as I remember. I did my apprenticeship at SLP ’68-’73. Bert Ranstead was the Printer; other names spring to mind are: Tim Beeke, Bob Scorgy, Mat Grainger, Ray Bulcraig, Ray Giles, Tom Slade, Frank Drew, Vic Painter. Frank and Jack Hayes owned it. Max Wall was the editor. All over the Coach and Horses Friday lunchtime. Halcyon days.
I believe Micks, surname was Durkin, coincidentally my Mother’s maiden name.
I was FOC, of Natsopa, at George Rose Printers, at that time.
All George Rose Printers, employees made redundant in 1977.
Anyway, Peace to all.
Alan Kirkby. ( 25 March, 2022)
Totalmente cierto Daves, si hubiera tenido ese dato antes podría haber evitado la caída de las matrices sobre el teclado. Mick muchas gracias, ya descubrí el orificio por donde ingresa la varilla que impide la descarga del almacen o magazine como ustedes bien dicen.
Here’s a rough machine translation of what Ruben said: “Totally true Dave, if I had had that data before I could have avoided dropping the arrays on the keyboard. Mick thank you very much, I already discovered the hole through which enters the rod that prevents the unloading of the magazine or magazine as you say.
Hi Dave, Can I ask what era you worked at the SLP? I had six years there as a comp and then into new technology. Left in 1983. All the best.
Hi Steve. Yes, I remember you. I moved down from Yorkshire.
It would be safe to say that every operator has had the front cover open to clear a jam or to find out why a channel wasn’t dropping correctly and had one or more mats drop on the keyboard that started a cascade of mats from the magazine. It’s a unique sound I will never forget!
Also had helper flip a magazine over without closing the back cover on the magazine, which nearly emptied the magazine before he realized what was happening. I was lucky enough to never do that one myself.
Es lo primero que hay que saber cuando se opera una lino: antes de levantar el almacén hay que activar la “espada” para evitar la caída de las matrices. Yo, particularmente, también tenía la precaución de cerrar el teclado por si me olvidaba de poner la “espada”. Todas las precauciones eran pocas para evitar un posible vaciado del almacén, que se llamaba aquí, en España.
un saludo para todos
los linotipistas del mundo!!!
Written in Spanish, here’s a machine-translation to English:
This is the first thing to know when operating a lino: before lifting the magazine, activate the “sword” to prevent the dies from falling. I, particularly, was also careful to close the keyboard in case I forgot to put the “sword”. All the precautions were few to avoid a possible emptying of the warehouse, which was called here, in Spain.
greetings to all
the linotypists of the world!!!