Further Reading

Check the “Related Pages” menu for details and pictures of Neotype linecasters.

Information about Russian linecasting machines is pretty scarce on the internet, but the Metal Type Forum has some real gems.

Linotypes in Mongolia

The thread Linotypes in Mongolia has a number of pictures of Russian machines in action, including this one, dated 1959 showing what appears to be a model 144.

Russian Linotype Video

This thread: Russian Linotype Video shows a Russian linecaster in action, including some kind of “splash guard” mechanism.

Neotype Trade Exhibition

This thread: Jim King R.I.P. – Photo Memorial – Help Needed shows photographs taken by late Forum member Jim King, including this trade exhibition photo and some others, including an experimental Russian machine in use at the “Pravda” newspaper.

Follow-up discussion about the Neotype machines page can be found here: Russian linecasters