Rochester, NY Newspapers

Many thanks to Bill Westland for sending in these great photographs. They were taken at the Rochester Times-Union and Rochester Democrat and Chronicle newspapers before computerisation.

Linotype operator wearing shirt and tie

A well-dressed Linotype operator

Bank of Linotypes, with a female operator in the background

Bank of Linotypes, with a female operator in the background

Another well-dressed operator with visor and cigar

Another well-dressed operator with visor and cigar

Close-up of copy and keyboard

Close-up of copy and keyboard

Operator having a smoke

Operator having a smoke

A bank of linecasters

A bank of linecasters

Between editions

Between editions

Between editions

Linecaster with guards

A quiet corner

A quiet corner

Democrat and Chronicle article with a photo of Bill himself!

Democrat and Chronicle article with a photo of Bill himself!

Women Linotype operators and a proofreader

Women Linotype operators and a proofreader

A Ludlow Typograph

A Ludlow Typograph

More Ludlow action

More Ludlow action

Ad makeup. My father at left.

Ad makeup. My father at left.

Page make-up

Page make-up

First computer system to convert

First computer system to convert “idiot” TTS tape into justified tape for Linotype Electrons

A Linotype Elektron

A Linotype Elektron

Elrod material caster

Elrod material caster


Stereotype “mat roller”

Hand type cabinet

Hand type cabinet

Tools I took home: Page chase, pica gauge, type stick, chase crank, Xacto knife, chicken pluckers and makeup tools

Tools I took home: Page chase, pica gauge, type stick, chase crank, Xacto knife, chicken pluckers and makeup tools

Slug cutter

Slug cutter

Various galleys

Various galleys

Page chase

Page chase

Pages from a Font book used for character count for ad markup

Pages from a Font book used for character count for ad markup

Pages from a Font book used for character count for ad markup

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