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c1920s Printer’s Brochure
An 18-page advertising brochure for Jas. Broadley Printers, Accrington, UK. Nice typography, and an illustration of each department (8 MB).
Retro Advertising Artwork by Cobb Shinn
A collection of superb 1950s advertising illustrations, free to download. Click the heading to be taken to a page with further details.

Typograph Parts (German)
A German language book listing the parts of a Typograph machine. (39 MB).

Printing Metals (1972)
The 1972 edition of Fry’s authoritative book on type alloys. (15 MB).

John Baskerville (1926)
Specimen book of John Baskerville’s Printing Letter. (6 MB).

Book Impositions, 1962
British Printing Industries Federation booklet. PDF format (3 MB).

Margach Automatic Metal Feeder Instructions
6-page illustrated instruction manual for this universal metal feeder used on many machines. PDF format (14 MB).
Printing Machinery Logos
Chandler and Price and Linotype company logos – high quality artwork to download. ZIP file (1.1MB).

Elrod Model K Instruction Manual
Instruction manual with parts list and wiring diagram. 53 pages. Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. PDF format (4 MB).

Elrod Model E & F Instruction Manual (No.8)
Instruction manual with parts list, number 8 (revised) edition. 169 pages, with illustrations. Sent in by Andy Taylor of AJT Typesetting and Printing. PDF format (11 MB).

Elrod Model DS Parts List
Parts list, with three illustrations. Sent in by David M MacMilan. PDF format (8 MB).

Cromwell Makeready Manual
Makeready details and techniques, 32-page illustrated booklet from the Cromwell Paper Company. PDF format (3 MB).

How to Make a Printer’s Hat
A nice 1-page diagram and instructions on how to make a pressman’s hat from a sheet of newspaper, produced by Ayre & Spottiswoode Ltd., Her Majesty’s Printers. PDF format (642KB).